My Grandma had what I lovingly call spunk.
She was a very friendly, strong and opinionated woman. When her husband of almost 45 years passed away when Grandma was only 57, she had the courage to completely reinvent her life. She loved her basketball, vodka tonics and was a huge flirt. She could talk to anyone about anything and immediately made you feel as though you had know her all your life. She was a charmer.
My Grandma valued pictures. She first asked for a portrait of me, my Mom and her when I was 3 and then again when I was 23.
We lost Grandma not too long after the second photograph was taken.
Now, when I look at these pictures of us, I remember her spirit. I remember her laugh. I remember how she used to cross her legs in her favorite chair and roll her ankle. Even though these pictures might not be the most aesthetically pleasing (my Mom and I both have an oompa loompa skin thing happening in the later photograph!), I am so thankful I have a these photographs of the two most influential women in my life.
To me generational pictures perfectly exemplify the power of photographs. Each photograph is a little time machine that instantly transports you back to the moment the photograph was taken and all the emotion connected to the person in the photograph.
Now that Grandma has been gone for over 10 years, her memory is sometimes harder to recall. But every time I look at this photograph, the memories immediately flood my mind and I feel connected to her again.
I encourage you to take time to photograph your relationships and those you love in photographs. These photographs will become your future treasures.
Schedule a photo session with the important women in your life! 🙂
Casey Green Studios, LLC
8700 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 114
Scottsdale, AZ 85255